Monthly Archives: March 2014

Balligar Open Studio Day!

To reiterate Steve Jobs‘Real artists ship!’

Now you have the opportunity to see if I and two creative friends, Brenda Faithful and Michele Caddies, are real.  We’re holding the first open studio day at Balligar on Sunday April 6th 11am – 5pm.

Balligart Open Studio 140406 Flyer v0.2

Brenda is an experienced potter who honed her skills under the expert eye of Greg Crowe.  Brenda likes to make functional pots that are also loved.  She mostly uses white stoneware clay, which is modeled on a wheel or by hand.  Brenda makes her own glazes and uses an electric kiln.  Here are some pots waiting to be fired:

Michele  is a very productive sewer in her spare time.  She focuses on quilts and home furnishings – from functional doorstops to romantic garlands and everything in between!  All beautifully finished.

You can see more about Michele and her creations at Michele Sews.

As for me, I think my About page says enough!
We look forward to meeting those of you who make it to our first open day.  Here’s how you can find us in Mount Helena, Western Australia:

Balligart Open Studio 140406 Flyer v0.2 Back Page

Feeling cobblywobbly,