Monthly Archives: August 2013

Geewillingkinwinkins – No Colours Anymore…

The ear worm ‘No colours anymore I want them to turn black’ went around and around in my head as I struggled to mix black with the oils I had.  It was soon joined by another ‘You can’t always get what you want…’.  The ear worms spun in my head long after I accepted that I wasn’t going to get a black – and that a rich, interesting dark brown was close enough – and they drove me to paint this!

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Paint It Black by Helen Lock – Acrylic & Oil On Canvas 16″ * 12″

A little different to my usual WA flora themed paintings!

For those interested in how I painted it: I underpainted horizontal stripes in rainbow colours with acrylic paint, after masking out the centre circle.  I then wiped out the rainbow with a hake brush heavily loaded with my dark oil mixture singing Paint It Black (it was okay no-one was around).

I let it dry for a few hours and then scratched out the words with feeling and the end of a paintbrush – but that didn’t work too well so I patiently lifted the oil paint with a brush, wishing my ‘passionate’ handwriting looked more emotive.

Hours later I removed the masking fluid which was now covered in acrylic and oil trying not to disturb the surrounding area – and thinking ‘this was a mad idea’.  My principle of not giving in until I’m finished kicked in and I painted a rainbow of colours spiralling into a black hole within the circle before reinstating the missing parts of the letters over it.

Ha!  Then I received an email about a painting competition with categories addressing mental illness – maybe I’ve an entry already!


Not A Forgery!

My third and final(?) copy of an Eric Carle painting is complete.  I feel happier now I’ve looked up the definition of forgery and found that if I have no intent to deceive I’m not guilty of forgery 🙂

Still, copying or forging is not for the faint-hearted!  I found it surprisingly difficult and must have been feeling very gung ho when I thought I could copy multi-media originals (tissue paper, watercolours, crayons & ?) with acrylics on canvas.

Eric Carle's butterfly

he was a beautiful butterfly!

What else surprised me is how much I learned.  I had to really study Eric’s pictures in a copy of his book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar‘ to try and work out what he’d done – which piece was under / over which – and why, what was it he’d worked to convey.  Then I had to work out how to begin to duplicate his work.

Interestingly you never meet the caterpillar illustrated on the cover of the book within it.  This is my version of his cover version of his medium weight caterpillar:

Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I love the sort of ‘stunned mullet’ look of both the caterpillar, that has devoured so much he is no longer hungry and is blown up like a balloon, and the butterfly!

Eric Carle's Satiated Caterpillar

The Not Hungry Caterpillar

When I finally finished the butterfly I was thinking “Never again!  I want to do my own thing!” but the postman arrived with my copy of Juliette Aristides ‘Lessons In Classical Drawing’ and…
